dung beetle

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dung beetle

  1. skarabee, sittiäinen, pyhäpillerinpyörittäjä, Scarabaeus sacer, pillerinpyörittäjä, lantakuoriainen, sontiainen.

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sittiäinen A type of beetle of the family Scarabaeidae noted for rollVerb rolling dung into balls for use as food or as brooding chambers.
(quote-book)|year=1990|page=2|isbn=978-0-643-05090-7|passage=What do dung beetles do? Adults and larvae of dung beetles feed only on dung and therefore are not a threat to the environment. This is in contrast to some other beetles found in dung pads, (not dung beetles) which feed on vegetable and other matter besides dung, while others are carnivorous. The activity of adult dung beetles can break up the dung pad, and most species bury the dung in the ground for feeding and breeding.
(quote-book)|year=2005|page=73|isbn=978-0-226-12199-4|passage=And then there are dung beetles, feces-eaters extraordinaire. The sacred dung scarab of Egypt symbolized resurrection and immortality, explaining why the ancient Egyptians often placed these beetles in tombs with the dead and why they painted dung beetle figures on their sarcophagi.
(quote-book) The ancient Egyptians believed that the sun was rolled across the sky by a giant dung beetle named Khepri.


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